In March, Natasha Konstantinova from Reputation Science, our Swiss member, represented the Crisis Communications Network Europe (CCNE) by hosting an interactive crisis simulation at the Start Summit in St. Gallen.
Crisis workshops for startups are always intriguing due to the dynamic nature of the business environment. Startups experience constant ups and downs, with rapid innovation and immediate challenges often taking precedence over risk management, business continuity, and crisis management.
During the session, Natasha presented attendees with a challenging scenario that required them to navigate the complex decisions involved in effective crisis handling. The exercise revealed the difficult choices and strategic thinking necessary to manage such situations successfully, especially in terms of communications.
By the end of the workshop, Natasha reflected on the reciprocal nature of the learning experience. She highlighted a key insight: the startup journey is far from glamorous, especially in the early stages. Crises are inevitable and can resurface unexpectedly. Natasha emphasised the importance of accepting, assessing, aligning, and adapting to setbacks, teaching attendees how to embrace challenges, recover, and persevere.
For those interested in enhancing their crisis communication capabilities, CCNE members offer similar coaching tailored to your staff and executives, whether individually or as a collective. Contact us to learn more about our services.